Web Application

The Philadelphia Contributionship - Get a Quote Web App

Property Insurance

Founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1752, The Philadelphia Contributionship (TPC) is the longest tenured insurance company in the country. TPC provides insurance protection that puts people first, through uniquely personal service, strong partnerships, and an unmatched history of financial stability. 

Check out the web app at

Expanding to New Audiences

The Get a Quote Web App design and development project aimed to target customers who prefer an online experience, giving them the ability to calculate their own personalized cost and coverage options. 

The main goals of this project were to make the process fast and easy. Targeted users required a quick and simple form, with a painless and engaging process. We began by analyzing the existing TPC agent user flow, looking to drastically simplify the user journey. Through multiple iterations of user flows and wireframe work flows, we were able to get the whole process down to only three minutes in our user tests. By placing all of the de-qualifying questions first, users only needed to answer questions that applied to them. 

Project Goals
  • Tap into the B2C Market
  • Increase Leads and Policies Issued
  • Appeal to a Younger Audience

"Working with Lyquix is always a productive, creative and enjoyable experience. When we presented our Get A Quote project to Lyquix, they immediately understood our vision.  The process was efficient and the people we worked with were knowledgeable and available to answer every question and request we had.  We really appreciate our relationship with Lyquix and the incredible work they do for us!"

Animation Engagement

Completing a form can be boring, and with any technology comes limitations. We needed something to keep users engaged during moments of waiting or transition between API calls that would positively reinforce users to continue on. Solving this engagement issue was crucial to the success of the form. 

We used animation in this project as a tool for solving this issue. The loading gif and different illustrations that faded  in and out gave users immediate gratification for small accomplishments during the multi-step process. 

We also used a verification side-bar to help confirm to the user what information they’ve  entered, incorporated a painless way to return to previous questions, and edit responses.

The Results

With the launch of the new quote application, TPC saw a significant increase in leads and policies issued. As advertised, the new quote application enables clients, ”In less than 3 minutes, you can obtain a no-obligation quote estimate to insure your home, condo or apartment.” We were able to create a fast, easy, and exciting user experience targeted at a younger and more online-driven audience.